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4.0 ( 80 ratings )
Vývojář: 志举 黄

Respect of apple reviewers
1, we this App is a tool for vehicle data recorder, all users completely free, our company also do not need to pay, this is just a tool App.
2. There is no network connection function. All functions are local. Users can use the app to view real-time video and images of cars driving.
3. The App has no registration function, so all users can use it directly without registration.
3. Our company is specialized in the production of auto data recorder. We make a profit by selling the data recorder. Completely free, no Internet connection, no registration.
Best Wishes!
This is a recorder app customized by our company for British customers. Because of the long journey, we cannot send the device, so we take a video to demonstrate video. We hope you can understand!
the video url : https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDMyMjk0MTg3Mg==.html?spm=a2h0j.11185381.listitem_page1.5~A